Combine your passion with  your interest in technology to help make a difference in the world.

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Set yourself at the intersection of technology and other fields like arts, humanities or business. This personalized and accessible 3-year program is designed for students who want to be the change-makers of tomorrow.

Why the Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Design?

Customizable Learning Paths

Hands-on Learning

This program is uniquely focused on multidisciplinary learning, allowing you to create your own path or follow one of the seven customizable learning paths that combine technology and other fields of study like arts, social sciences, and health.

This program offers many client-based projects, as well as two integrated internships and 450 community service hours, providing you with hands-on learning opportunities while connecting you with the community, whether locally or internationally.

Accessible Application Process

Industry Expert Collaboration

This program seeks to attract a diverse set of students, taking into consideration your skills, character and grades.

Each program learning path was created in collaboration with industry experts to address real gaps in the job market, ensuring you graduate market-ready and are prepared to become the change-maker of tomorrow.

Accelerated Curriculum

Mentorship Opportunities

This program offers you an accelerated learning experience, allowing you to earn your degree in just three years and enter the workplace sooner.

This program is small and highly personalized, providing you with a unique opportunity to be mentored by professors, industry partners, and peers, both in the classroom and out in the field.



S T A R T   D A T E

3 years

University of Ottawa Campus

September 2024, 2025, 2026

applications open now!





uOttawa Engineering


The Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Design program is a 3-year program that can be customized to fit your interests. It is designed for students who want to make a difference in the world by combining technology and engineering with other fields like social science, arts, business or public policy.

The program is accessible, inclusive, and open to students with diverse interests and backgrounds. To help us understand who you are, a video interview and a portfolio submission are required.

Upon graduation, you will be market-ready and well-prepared to fill real gaps in a variety of job markets, allowing you to enter the career of your choice and become a true change-maker of tomorrow!

Design Your Own Learning Path or Choose One of the Pre-defined Paths


Sustainable Design

Project Management

UX Design

Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation

Technology and Public Policy

STEM Education

Discover Your Future Career

Join an exciting and in-demand career

Artificial Intelligence Ethicist

Cybersecurity Specialist

Project Manager

STEM Educator

Sustainable Designer

Technology Policy Analyst

UX Designer

As a student, you can customize your course sequence to reflect your interests and career aspirations, or you can choose one of the seven pre-defined learning paths: cybersecurity, project management, STEM education, technology and public policy, responsible artificial intelligence innovation, UX design, and sustainable design.

General Requirements:

A video interview and portfolio submission are required to help us better understand you. During the interview, we're looking for applicants who demonstrate the following:

Admission Requirements


Drive and Motivation

Creativity and Innovation





Your portfolio submission is to assess your skills and interests and can include poetry, arts, writing samples, photography, special certifications, community service, a research paper, resumé, etc.

A minimum admission average of 80% is also needed.*

Prerequisite Courses:

This program is designed to provide you with the opportunity to bridge the gap between your prior education and the skills necessary for first-year university courses. The following are required prerequisite courses:**

English 4U or Français 4U

Advanced Functions 4U or Calculus and Vectors 4U

One of the following:

- Biology 4U
- Chemistry 4U
- Computing 4U
- Physics 4U

Students from Quebec or other Canadian provinces’ high school, CEGEP, colleges, or who have other academic backgrounds such as mature students or international students are also eligible for this program (certain conditions apply).

*Please note these minimum requirements are subject to change. Admission is not guaranteed.

**Please note these prerequisite courses are for Ontario high school students only.

Bachelor ofMultidisciplinary Design

Begin your journey to the career of your dreams


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Begin your journey to the career of your dreams

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